FAQ 15
2 Aug 2024

You can find the differences between these software programs in the table below.

If you have any other inquiries, please leave a message through the URLs below, and we will respond promptly.

For product inquiries: https://www.kitronyx.com/contact

For technical support inquiries: https://www.kitronyx.com/support_request 

22 Jul 2024

If you lose the license dongle received after purchasing ForceLAB2, you will need to purchase a replacement.

If the license dongle breaks within one year of purchasing ForceLAB2, it can be replaced free of charge.

 However, if the damage is due to user negligence, costs may apply.

For breakages after one year, replacement is available for a fee.

Email: sales@kitronyx.com 

If you have any other inquiries, please leave a message through the URLs below, and we will respond promptly.

For product inquiries: https://www.kitronyx.com/contact

For technical support inquiries: https://www.kitronyx.com/support_request 

22 Jul 2024

This section provides a comparison and explanation of the Target ADC, Sensitivity Option, and Scale Factor features supported by ForceLAB2.

If you have any other inquiries, please leave a message through the URLs below, and we will respond promptly.

For product inquiries: https://www.kitronyx.com/contact

For technical support inquiries: https://www.kitronyx.com/support_request 

22 Jul 2024

The Gain Tuning step in the calibration process functions to correct deviations between the sensor's nodes. 

During this process, a Gain value is assigned to each node, and

 this value is determined within the range set by the Gain Bound. Below is an example image.

The Gain Bound should be set to prevent significant errors 

when the force at the Gain Tuning point and the measured force differ greatly.

We generally recommend a range of 0.5 to 2.0.

※ Measurement performance may degrade if Gain Tuning is performed 

with weights different from the actual usage environment.

[Results of Removing Gain Bound Restrictions]

[Results of Setting Gain Bound to 0.5 ~ 2.0]

If you have any other inquiries, please leave a message through the URLs below, and we will respond promptly.

For product inquiries: https://www.kitronyx.com/contact

For technical support inquiries: https://www.kitronyx.com/support_request 

22 Jul 2024

This section provides an explanation of the different types of Fine Tuning 

supported by the advanced calibration features of ForceLAB2. 

Fine Tuning can be selected from three types: SUM, AVG, and All.

Below is a summary of the recommended environments for each type,

 their advantages and disadvantages, and the criteria for Force input. 

We hope this information is helpful during the calibration process.

If you have any other inquiries, please leave a message through the URLs below, and we will respond promptly.

For product inquiries: https://www.kitronyx.com/contact

For technical support inquiries: https://www.kitronyx.com/support_request