Quick Start Guide for First-Time Users of the MP2513
Insole Sensor Kit
MP2513 Insole Sensor Kit
MP2513 Insole Sensor Kit Components
MP2513 Insole Sensor Kit Installation and Usage Guide
Follow the steps below to easily use the kit.
First, you need to install the Snowforce3 software.
1. Software Download
Click the download button to download the software.
โป Membership registration is required for the download.
2. Run the Installation File
Follow the installation guide to complete the installation.
โป During the installation, FTDI drivers and .NET Framework will be installed. Both must be installed.
In most cases, .NET Framework is already installed, so you may receive a message indicating it is already installed.
3. Run SnowForce3
4. Configure Software Device and Sensor
Set the device to Tinn (Snowboard2). (Default value: MC1509)
Set sensor 1 to INSOLE_M1_L and sensor 2 to INSOLE_M1_R. (Default value: None)
5. Set Device Port (Port1)
To connect the device with the software, you need to know the port number that identifies the device.
Click on Port1 UI, and you will see a Reset option. Depending on your PC, there might also be COM1.
Remember the port number, then refer to the image below to connect the Tinn controller to your PC.
After connecting to the PC, select Reset in Port1. A new COM port will be added.
The new COM port is the recently connected Tinn controller,
and the COM port number assigned by the PC usually does not change.
In this guide, COM81 is shown as the newly added port. Please select the new port.
6. Set Device Port (Port2)
Since the MP2513 Insole Sensor Kit uses two controllers, you need to repeat the above process one more time.
This time, click on the Port2 UI, remember the port number, and connect the second Tinn controller.
7. Connect Insole_L Sensor and Tinn Controller
Let's connect the Insole_L sensor to the first Tinn controller.
For Insole sensors, it is essential to use the M1 interface board.
Follow these steps to connect:
Refer to the image below.
โป Ensure that the arrow direction on the interface board points towards the front direction of the sensor when connecting.
8. Connect Insole_R Sensor and Tinn Controller
Similarly, let's connect the Insole_R sensor to the second Tinn controller.
Refer to the image below.
โป Ensure that the arrow direction on the interface board points towards the front direction of the sensor when connecting.
9. Start Measurement and Verify Operation
Press the Connect button to start the measurement.
To check if the connection is successful, press the sensor and verify that the pressed location appears correctly on the screen.
If it does not display, set the ColorMap value to 30 and the Threshold value to 0, then check again.
โป If it still does not display, please close SnowForce3 and start again from Step 3 (Run SnowForce3).
You have now completed the installation and operation verification of the MP2513 Insole Sensor Kit.
If you have any other inquiries, please leave a message through the URLs below, and we will respond promptly.
For product inquiries: https://www.kitronyx.com/contact
For technical support inquiries: https://www.kitronyx.com/support_request