Quick Start Guide for First-Time Users of the PressureScan II WIFI

 PressureScan II WIFI

PressureScan II WIFI Components

PressureScan II WIFI Installation and Usage Guide

Follow the steps in order for easy setup and use.

First, you need to install the ForceLAB2 software.

1. Connect the USB Drive and USB Dongle

   Among the solution components, connect the white USB drive and the blue ForceLAB2 license USB dongle to your PC.

2. Run the ForceLAB2.exe installation file from the USB drive/software.

   Follow the installation guide and set the license type to Hardware License Key.

※ During installation, the FTDI driver and .NET Framework will be installed. Both must be installed.

 Typically, .NET Framework may already be installed on your system, 

in which case you will see a message indicating it is already installed.

3. Run ForceLAB2

※ The license dongle must be connected to use ForceLAB2.

4. Create a Project File

The default save location is under My Documents/ForceLAB2.

For now, we will name the project "PressureScan II WIFI Quick Start"

5. Set Up Device and Sensor

   When creating a project for the first time, you need to set up the controller device and sensors.

   Select "Baikal-II" as the device name.

   Click the "Add Sensor" button on the right and select the sensor you will use.

   Let's assume you are using the "SFC4300CX" sensor.

   If you make a mistake, you can double-click the sensor name to bring up the list again.

6. Connect and Set Up Baikal II WIFI Port

   Now you need to set up the COM port to connect Baikal II WIFI.

   First, click on the port button to check the list.

   Generally, if no devices using COM ports are connected, you will see "Auto" and "Reset." 

Depending on your PC, you might also see "COM1."

   Now connect Baikal II WIFI to your PC.

   On the right side of the Baikal II WIFI controller, you will find a port for connecting a USB Type-C cable. 

   Connect the Type-C end of the USB cable to the Baikal II controller.

   Connect the other end (Type-A) of the USB cable to a USB slot on your PC.

   In ForceLAB2, click the port button and select "Reset."

   Check the ports again, and you should see a new port generated.

   Select the new port (Baikal II WIFI).

   Generally, once a port number is generated on a PC, it remains the same.

7. Connect Baikal II WIFI with the Sensor

   Now let's connect the sensor to the controller.

   The interface board may vary depending on the sensor, 

but typically the sensor and interface board are provided connected.

8. Setting Up Baikal II WIFI Controller for Wireless

The Baikal II WIFI controller supports both wired and wireless connections.

To use it wirelessly, you need to configure the settings. Please follow the instructions below for setup.

8.1 Run the Wireless Device Setup Program

ForceLAB2 Setting ▶ Connection Settings ▶ Wireless Device Setting

8.2 Connecting Baikal II WIFI

Select the port ▶ Click the "CONNECT" button

The initial setting is in USB mode.

To use it in a 1:1 wireless connection mode, change the mode to WIFI 1:1.

In WIFI 1:1 mode, the configured values will be displayed.

8.3 Configure Settings


Then, click the SET AND SAVE button to save the controller settings. 

This will create a .kwsf file in ForceLAB2 containing the information needed to connect to the controller using the specified DEVICE ID.

※ The SSID should not be the same as any nearby router names.

<Communication Connection Setup>

9. Wireless Connection Setup

Return to ForceLAB2 and select WiFi 1:1 under the Type dropdown below the device name.

If your firewall is active, follow the manual that appears to disable the firewall for ForceLAB2.

10. Setting Up the Connection File

Similar to the port setup, click the UI button next to the file name. You will see a "Reset" option. Click on it.

After clicking, select the file name that matches the DEVICE ID you just saved.


11. Arrange Sensors for Real-Time Analysis

   Return to ForceLAB2 and click on the Real-Time Analysis tab.

   Click on the sensor in the sensor list, and options will appear in the bottom right corner.

   ※ Please refer to the ForceLAB2 manual for detailed instructions.

   Click on the blue screen to place the sensor.

12. Run Real-Time Analysis

   Click the Run button to start the real-time analysis.

10. Verify Real-Time Analysis Operation

   Set the display mode to Accumulate Mode, 

then press the sensor in an "X" pattern to ensure it displays correctly on the screen.

   The installation and operation verification are now complete.

   Insert the sensor into the desired area to measure pressure distribution.

If you have any other inquiries, please leave a message through the URLs below, and we will respond promptly.

For product inquiries: https://www.kitronyx.com/contact

For technical support inquiries: https://www.kitronyx.com/support_request

Controller[Document] Tinn User Manual

2 Sep 2024

This is the user manual for the Tinn product.

It includes the specifications, components, and usage instructions for the Tinn product.

For more detailed information, please refer to the attached file below.

[Download] / View in browser

If you have any other inquiries, please leave a message through the URLs below, and we will respond promptly.

For product inquiries: https://www.kitronyx.com/contact

For technical support inquiries: https://www.kitronyx.com/support_request